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Pink Flower

Why Counselling?

There are all sorts of reasons why you might be considering counselling.  Perhaps you're struggling with:

  • Anxiety, worry or fear.  This might be around specific situations, or it could be a general sense that follows you all day long

  • Depression, numbness or disconnection from your feelings

  • Coping with a loss or relationship breakdown

  • Poor self-esteem

  • Navigating life changes, including menopause, career change or retirement

  • Reproductive loss, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, IVF, fertility challenges, endometriosis, or PMDD

  • Pregnancy, birth trauma, postnatal depression, or parenting

  • Relationship patterns, challenges with trust, 'people-pleasing', or perfectionism.

  • Domestic abuse, whether it's physical, emotional or financial

  • Feeling overwhelmed or stressed and unable to focus

  • Past memories or traumatic events that are bottled up.  Maybe they lie dormant inside.  Or perhaps they make themselves known in outbursts of anger, sadness or frustration

  • Having a voice in your relationships with family, friends or colleagues


Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it, but you feel stuck.

You don’t like how you’re feeling or behaving, or life just isn’t how you want it to be.  

How does Counselling help?

Counselling is individual, there really is no one-size-fits-all approach. 

But I know it can be daunting to imagine what counselling might involve. 

So here are some examples of what we might achieve together.  

  • Developing coping strategies to build your resilience and cope with everyday feelings, including anger or anxiety​

  • Understanding your boundaries and your relationship with trust.  How you deserve to be treated in your relationships.  This might be at home, with family or friends, or at work

  • Voicing feelings, stories or opinions that you find difficult to share

  • Exploring your past, and learning about how your past experiences have impacted on who you are and how you feel about yourself

  • Developing your self-esteem by reviewing your expectations for yourself and for others​

  • Challenging fears and negative thought patterns

  • Connecting with your emotions.  Exploring, naming and understanding how you feel.  â€‹â€‹

  • Noticing how your mind and body connect

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